
A 17 years old Pixel artist Crownmac's "Evo Bears" NFT Collection : Is this Collection best for 2023?

A 17 years old Pixel artist Crownmac's "Evo Bears" NFT Collection: Is this Collection best for 2023? image credit - Twitter Evo Bears i…

Y00ts NFT Collection Makes Anticipated Move From Solana to Polygon

Y00ts NFT Collection Makes Anticipated Move From Solana to Polygon image credit - Popular Non-Fungible Token (NFT) project y00ts has st…

Data shows increase in NFT wash trading by 126% in February 2023

Data shows an increase in NFT wash trading by 126% in February 2023 Research has found that the overall NFT wash trading volume has increased continu…

According to the co-founder of Doodles, the initiative goes beyond "the NFT project".

According to the co-founder of Doodles, the initiative goes beyond "the NFT project". NFT project Doodles’ co-founder Jordan Castro ‘Poopie…


PLAYBOY SUFFERS $4.9 MILLION LOSS ON NFT PAYMENTS According to a recent filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Playboy suffered…

RTFKT And Nike Launches The First Web3 Sneaker: “Cryptokicks IRL”

RTFKT And Nike Launches The First Web3 Sneaker Nike and RTFKT are endeavoring to reconcile with Cryptokicks iRL, the “First Native Web3 Sneaker.” C…

FBI Seizes $260,000 in NFTs and Cryptocurrencies After Tip-Off By Twitter User

FBI Seizes $260,000 in NFTs and   Cryptocurrencies After Tip-Off By   Twitter User The FBI has recently seized $260,000 in NFTs and cryptocurrencies …

What Will Happen in the NFT Market in 2023?

What Will Happen in the NFT Market in 2023? The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market has been growing rapidly over the past few years and has garnered sig…
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