A 17 years old Pixel artist Crownmac's "Evo Bears" NFT Collection : Is this Collection best for 2023?

A 17 years old Pixel artist Crownmac's "Evo Bears" NFT Collection: Is this Collection best for 2023?

A 17 years old Pixel artist Crownmac's "Evo Bears" NFT Collection: Is this Collection best for 2023?

image credit - Twitter

Evo Bears is a unique collection of 10,000 digital collectibles, also known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), living on the Polygon blockchain. Each of these NFTs is a unique digital bear that has been designed with different attributes and characteristics. The collection has been created by a 17 Years Old Pixel artist who known as "Crownmac"(Project owner/CEO). for the first time Evo bears collection was minted 2022.12.11 on Open sea.

The Evo Bears NFTs have been designed to appeal to collectors who appreciate the uniqueness and rarity of digital art. The collection includes a range of different bears, each with its own unique attributes and characteristics. These include different fur colors, patterns, and accessories such as hats, glasses, and scarves.

Another notable aspect of Evo Bears is that they are living on the Polygon blockchain. This means that each NFT is a unique digital asset that is stored on the blockchain and can be bought, sold, and traded just like any other cryptocurrency. The use of the Polygon blockchain ensures that Evo Bears are secure and transparent, with all transactions recorded on a public ledger.

At the time of writing, the floor price for an Evo Bears NFT is 0.0029 ETH. This means that even though each NFT is unique, they are still accessible to a wide range of collectors. However, as with any NFT collection, the value of individual NFTs can fluctuate based on factors such as rarity, popularity, and demand.

Evo Bears is a collection that is sure to appeal to both collectors and bear enthusiasts alike. With its unique combination of art, storytelling, and blockchain technology, it is a prime example of the potential that NFTs have to offer. Whether you are looking to buy an NFT as an investment or simply to own a unique digital collectible, Evo Bears is a collection that is well worth exploring.

Official Links of "Evo Bears" NFT Project

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