According to the co-founder of Doodles, the initiative goes beyond "the NFT project".

The famous NFT Doodles project caused a stir in the cryptocurrency community after its founders announced a change in project focus.

According to the co-founder of Doodles, the initiative goes beyond "the NFT project".

NFT project Doodles’ co-founder Jordan Castro ‘Poopie’ 

The famous NFT Doodles project caused a stir in the cryptocurrency community after its founders announced a change in project focus.

Jordan Castro “Poppy,” co-founder of the NFT Doodles project, has announced that the company is shifting its focus from launching non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to creating a “Leading media franchise.”

According to a Discord post, Castro said the company is no longer an "NFT project."

In this statement, Jordan Castro stated that the company has never been driven by financial considerations since its inception.

Doodles was released in October 2021 as an NFT pack containing 10,000 generative works. The initial success of the collection inspired him to release new collections. In early March, the company released a Doodleverse graphic showcasing its products.

Products on the map: Doodles 2, Dooplicator, Space Doodles, Genesis Box, Doodlebank and unreleased by The Stoodio and Doodles Records.

In a March 3 tweet, Doodles hinted at changing its business model to a media franchise, saying it would create "the world's best entertainment and lifestyle."

In June 2022, Doodles received $54 million from venture capital firm Seven Seven Six. At the time, the company claimed it would use the funds to develop its Web3 entertainment brand.

Reactions to this statement varied. Some were disappointed that Doodles didn't warn the NFT community. However, others supported the transfer and congratulated Castro on his bold move.

In response to criticism, Castro has reiterated his commitment to blockchain technology. He promised to keep in touch with "NFT Technology" and use it as a conduit for everything they build. He also noted that doodles will always aim to break the "vicious circle of speculation" that has dominated the NFT industry.

According to OpenSea, the total supply of Doodles is 250,783 ETH ($437 million), and the minimum price is 3,669 ETH (over $6,300).

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