
Nintendo changes Japanese name of villainous Super Mario character

Nintendo changes Japanese name of villainous Super Mario character image credits - Video game maker Nintendo has announced it has cha…

Sega is buying Angry Birds maker Company Rovio for $776 million

Sega is buying Angry Birds creator Company Rovio for $776 million image credits- Sega is buying Rovio, the Finnish video-game company be…

Steam will drop support for Windows 7 and 8 in January 2024

Steam will drop support for Windows 7 and 8 in January 2024 image credit - You might not want to use that old gaming PC for long…

Disney reportedly eliminates the Metaverse division in the first round of layoffs

Disney reportedly shuts down its metaverse division image credit - As part of a broader restructuring process, Disney has closed its…

Is OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite Price Leaked ? ,Check It Out!

Is OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite Price Leaked ? , Check It Out! OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G OnePlus recently announced the launch of the new Nord CE 3 Lite an…

Elon Musk says Twitter is fixing its Elon Musk tweet problem

Twitter is fixing its tweet issue with Elon Musk If you're using the "To Me" tab on Twitter instead of the "Following" timeli…
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