Insomniac: PlayStation Studio ravaged by ransomware hack

The hack exposed millions of files, including employee personal information and the playable game version of Wolverine.

Insomniac: PlayStation Studio ravaged by ransomware hack

Insomniac Games released a statement a few days after a ransomware attack exposed millions of files including sensitive employee information, confidential business information, and assets for in-development games.

“We’re both saddened and angered about the recent criminal cyberattack on our studio and the emotional toll it’s taken on our team,” the statement posted on X read. “We have focused inwardly for several days to support each other.”

The hack was perpetrated by the Rhysida hacker group, who ransomed the data for $2 million in Bitcoin. When the ransom was not paid, hackers disseminated the information that included Insomniac internal business plans, budget information, in-development assets for the studio’s upcoming Wolverine game, and employee personally identifiable information.

Insomniac's response focused on the impact of the hack on its employees and reassured fans that work on Wolverine would continue apace.

“Marvel's Wolverine will continue as planned. The game is currently in production and, like all of our programs, will undoubtedly evolve through development. We will provide official information on Marvel's Wolverine when the time is right." Got it. Share it.

However, that hasn't stopped a playable PC build of Wolverine from being discovered in the hacked files. There are warnings for potential game spoilers regarding and to would-be pirates as downloading it could result in legal action from Insomniac as well as the threat of the build containing hacker-implanted malicious software.

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