The Switch's "Hogwarts Legacy" has suffered another major delay

Chant “accio” all you want, but it’s not releasing until November 14th.

The Switch's "Hogwarts Legacy" has suffered another major delay

It's no secret that the Nintendo Switch is getting older, which makes it difficult to port games from more powerful consoles. Last third party publisher ban? The developers of Hogwarts Legacy have announced that the Nintendo Switch version of the magical open-world sim will receive another significant delay until November 14th.

This isn't the first delay the port has experienced as it was first pushed to July 25 and then released in April. For now, all last-gen ports are delayed, but versions have been released for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The title was originally released in February for PS5, Xbox Series X and PC.

According to the developers, delaying the Switch could offer players a "better experience". It will be interesting to see how the game behaves at launch and what changes are made to accommodate the old hardware. For those looking for a portable version of Hogwarts Legacy, the game has been confirmed for Steam Deck, not for six months.

Despite some controversy, Hogwarts Legacy was developed by Avalanche Software and Warner Bros. The games were a huge success, selling over 15 million copies and generating over $1 billion in revenue.

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