Halo Veteran Developer Joseph Staten leaves From Microsoft

Halo Infinite creative director Joseph Staten has confirmed he's left the company via Twitter.

Halo Veteran Developer Joseph Staten leaves From Microsoft


Joseph Staten, the Halo veteran brought on board by Microsoft to creatively direct Halo Infinite, has left after nine years at the company.

IGN first broke the news, with Staten confirming his departure on Twitter. Staten thanked his colleagues at Xbox and did not reveal where he's heading next.

“We’re grateful for Joseph’s contributions to the Halo franchise and Xbox as a whole," Xbox said of Staten's exit to IGN. "We wish him all the best in his new adventure."

Staten worked on the first three Halo games at Bungie and left Bungie for Microsoft in 2014. He served as senior creative director for Xbox publishing, and in 2020, joined 343 Industries to help develop Halo Infinite. The hiring announcement said that Staten would be "focused on supporting the campaign team's existing, talented, creative leaders and ensuring they have everything they need to create an awesome Halo game."

Microsoft laid off over 10,000 employees in January, and 343 Industries was heavily impacted. Staten left 343 Industries at the time and rejoined Xbox Publishing.

As for the future of 343 Industries, studio lead Pierre Hintze said the team will continue to develop Halo. Phil Spencer also said 343 Industries is "critically important to" Microsoft.

source - gamespot.com

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