The Yellow iPhone 14 Makes Yellow Proud

Just in time for spring, Apple drops a new color for the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus.

The Yellow iPhone 14 Makes Yellow Proud

Apple reminds us that spring is coming with a new color for the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus: yellow. As in previous years, in March, Apple released a new color for the iPhone. We got a purple iPhone 12 in 2021. Last spring we got a green iPhone 13 and an alpine green iPhone 13 Pro. And this year it's yellow. Unfortunately, Apple decided to exclude the Pro models from the new color scheme.

There are now six colors to choose from: yellow, purple, blue, starlight, midnight and Product Red. If you follow Apple closely, you know that the old rainbow Apple logo was made up of six colors. Coincidence? I think not. The new yellow has a soft, pastel tone to it.

The new finish is exciting, but the yellow iPhone 14 is the same model that launched in September. It runs iOS 16, has the A15 Bionic chip, emergency SOS via satellite, auto-collision detection and the same camera as the iPhone 13 Pro (except Tele). In fact, we're right in the middle of the annual iPhone upgrade cycle, and the iPhone 15 is rumored to launch in September.

Unlike last year's iPhone 13 Color Drop, Apple did not announce a new version of the iPhone SE. According to rumors, the SE is really dead, and some say that a new version of Apple's cheapest phone could be on the market as early as 2024.

The new yellow iPhone 14 and 14 Plus are now available for pre-order, and will go on sale from Tuesday. Most people will probably put a case on their iPhone 14, no matter what color the phone is. If you, Apple also introduced a new yellow silicone case.

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