CoD: Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Season 2 Battle Pass Details Revealed

Season 2 continues Modern Warfare 2's redesigned combat map-style battle pass, which is divided into different sectors, ranging from B0 to B20.

 CoD: Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2 Season 2 Battle Pass Details Revealed

The second season of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 launched on February 15th, when Call of Duty publisher Activision released a trailer and Battle Pass blog. The Season Pass includes the Ron Operator skin, three new weapons, cosmetic weapon cards, and more.

Season 2 continues with a redesigned Modern Warfare 2 Battle Map-style battle pass, divided into stages B0 through B20. More than 100 rewards are available at both the free and premium levels of the pass.

Players who purchase the Season 2 Battle Pass will have immediate access to Daniel "Ronin" Shinoda, the Operator added to the Season. Daniel "Ronin" Shinoda was originally introduced in Modern Warfare 2019. In addition to unlocking the default Ronin skin, the operator includes 4 other items. Includes 2 basic weapon skins, a weapon display and a 10% Battle Pass boost to help you progress faster.

3 cannons open in the free pass area. The B4 scope contains the KV Broadside shotgun, which is said to be the fastest-firing semi-auto in Modern Warfare 2's shotgun class. Stage B11 unlocks the SO Hemlock assault rifle. This new rifle is designed to use 5.56 bullets and .300 BLK subsonics, giving players more options to customize it for different playstyles. Finally, the Dual Kodachis melee weapon is unlocked in Stage B13.

There are also some rare "HVT" operator skins in the pass. The König Expedition operator shell opens in the B3 area and is equipped with full tactical gear, mesh hood and gloves. The deerskin Kleo from the B8 section is a hooded set with a red and black filtered mask. Roze has a skin in the B10 range that has a colorful scarf and armor plate.

Players who complete all stages of the path and reach 100% gain access to victory stages with additional unlockable items. These include The Peak Operator Skin by Ronin, the new SO Hemlock Assault Rifle Unchained Fury Weapon, and 300 CoD Points.

Additionally, the blog highlights some of the cool bundles players can expect to find in the store, including a Valentine's Day bundle called Ballistic Love. It includes the Reyes' Snack Operator skin, two holiday-themed weapon skins, a vehicle skin, and more. Tracer Pack: Purple Jolt also includes a cyberpunk skin for Calisto.

For more information on Season 2, be sure to read all of the major Season 2 announcements for Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2. This includes upcoming DMZ cleans, multiplayer ranked matches, new maps and more.

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