New accounts now have to wait only 30 days for Twitter Blue

Now the Twitter has changed the terms and reduced the wait time to 30 days for new accounts to get the it's subscription.

New accounts now have to wait only 30 days for Twitter Blue

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In the past few hours, Twitter has changed a few things about the Twitter Blue subscription plan. The company made the paid plan available for purchase worldwide and reduced the waiting time for new accounts to be eligible for a Twitter Blue subscription from 90 days to 30 days.

When Twitter owner "Elon Musk" first introduced the Twitter Blue program, which allowed users to sign up for mock exams, many accounts began posting brands, politicians, and celebrities. The company quickly withdrew the paid plan. To avoid disruption during the relaunch, Twitter added that new accounts must wait 90 days to sign up for Twitter Blue.

“The new Twitter Blue subscriptions are available worldwide on the web, iOS or Android. Not all features are available on all platforms. Newly created Twitter accounts will not be able to follow Twitter Blue for 30 days. At our sole discretion and without prior notice, we may impose waiting periods for new accounts in the future.

Twitter owner & co. As of April 1st, the old check boxes will be removed. During the previous government, these blue badges highlighted prominent personalities such as politicians, activists, journalists, and other public figures.

Notably, Twitter's business verification service currently costs $1,000 per month, with an additional $50 fee for each account associated with the company. Musk noted that these affiliate programs are automatically verified.

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