WhatsApp for iPhone finally gets Picture-in-Picture support for video calls, here's what it means

WhatsApp, Facebook's popular messaging app, recently introduced Picture-in-Picture (PIP) support for video calling on its iPhone app.

WhatsApp for iPhone finally gets Picture-in-Picture support for video calls, here's what it means

WhatsApp, Facebook's popular messaging app, recently introduced Picture-in-Picture (PIP) support for video calling on its iPhone app. With this new feature, users can continue a video call while browsing other apps or using other functions on the iPhone, making it more convenient to multitask while on a call.

If a WhatsApp user wanted to use other apps during a video call, they had to end the call and the conversation first. With PiP support, users can press the home button during a call and the video will continue in a small window on the screen. They can switch to other apps or features on their iPhone while still seeing and hearing their conversation.

The PiP feature is available for both individual and group video calls, allowing users to easily chat with multiple people at the same time. This feature is particularly useful for businesses as it allows you to video confer with your clients and colleagues while accessing other work-related apps and features.

WhatsApp's PiP support works seamlessly with other iOS features like Siri and Apple's Do Not Disturb mode. For example, if a user receives a message during a video call, Siri will read the message out loud without interrupting the video call. Even if the user turns on Do Not Disturb mode during a call, they can still see and hear the conversation in the PiP window.

To use the PiP feature in WhatsApp for iPhone, users must have a device running the latest version of the app (version 23.3.77). It can be downloaded/updated from App Store.

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