Samsung Galaxy Book3 Ultra pre-orders open in the US

Samsung has now released its new top-end, Dynamic AMOLED 2X-equipped Galaxy Book3 Ultra laptop to pre-order in the US.

Samsung Galaxy Book3 Ultra pre-orders open in the US

Samsung has made its new high-end Dynamic AMOLED 2X Galaxy Book3 Ultra laptop available for pre-order in the US. The new 6-inch PC, along with its Book3 360, Pro and Pro 360 siblings, comes with special offers such as free memory upgrades and trade-in offers. This allows the 1TB SKU series to be introduced into new markets for less than $1,100.

The Galaxy Book3 Ultra has launched in the US, bringing the MacBook Pro to the US market as Samsung intended, with a version of the OLED screen typically found on high-end smartphones measuring 16 inches or more is used

For those looking for a variety of form factors, prices or screen sizes, there's also the Galaxy Book3 Pro and its new 360 version. One of the affordable options.

The OEM has offered all three devices the same "double storage for free" as the new Galaxy S23 range. Regular price for 512GB SKUs: $1,049.99, $1,149.99, $1,399.99, and $1,899.99 respectively.

The Samsung Online Store also offers additional incentives during sales, including discounts of up to $300 on eligible trades. The OEM has yet to add any new PCs to other channels like Amazon, but the Book3 Pro is available on this site without the current first-party offering.

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