Riot Forge reveals League spinoff The Mageseeker and new release dates

Riot Forge reveals League of Legends stories The Mageseeker, Convergence, and Song of Nunu are all planned for 2023

League of Legends stories The Mageseeker, Convergence, and Song of Nunu are all planned for 2023

League of Legends is a hugely successful game, but there isn't much time to explore the characters and their personal struggles in Summoner's Rift matches. Log in to Riot Forge, which works with third-party developers to create new League of Legends games. On Wednesday, Riot Forge announced the imminent release of a new game: The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story.

Mahseeker stars as Demacian rebel Silas and is described as "a powerful, high-resolution 2D RPG that allows players to create an army of rogue wizards and lead a revolution." The studio's developer, Digital Sun, created a well-received game called Moonlighter. The description of the game was leaked in January, but fans already have a more concrete idea of ​​what Maheseeker will look like.

In League of Legends lore, Silas is a Demacian sorcerer based on a desire for and fear of magic. Wizards like Silas are persecuted by the government. Agents known as Magic Seekers search for rogue mages everywhere, using brutal tactics and brutal methods to destroy them.

Silas worked as a carpenter in his youth; His ability to detect and reflect magic came in handy when he was looking for other wizards. After the mission fails, you find yourself in the depths of a Demacian prison. He eventually escaped with the power of his massive petricide chains to fight back against his oppressors.

Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story will be available this spring for PC and yet-to-be-specified consoles.

Right Forge also shared details of two more games in development: Convergence: A League of Legends Story, an Echo-based 2D platformer that Arcane fans will recognize in summer 2023; and Song of Nunu, the story of a boy and his best friend, is scheduled for release in fall 2023.

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