'More Powerful Than ChatGPT': Microsoft Debuts AI-Powered Bing Search, Edge Browser

More Powerful Than ChatGPT': Microsoft Debuts AI-Powered Bing Search, Edge Browser

Reinventing search with a new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge, your copilot for the web 

Today Microsoft announced the launch of a new AI-powered Bing search engine and a revamped Edge browser.
Microsoft today announced the launch of its new AI-powered Bing search engine and Edge browser in a last-minute, invite-only event.

"Today we're launching Bing and Edge with AI and chat pilots to help people get more out of search and the web," said Satya Nadella, Microsoft chairman and CEO, in a statement.

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And it's official. After weeks of talks, Microsoft announced a new Bing search engine and Edge browser with artificial intelligence.

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The new Bing combines search, browsing and chat into one experience with improved search, more complete answers, content creation and interactive chat.

  • First Google, then Microsoft, then Google... Microsoft's new launch comes just a day ahead of Google's AI-powered rival Bard. Microsoft is also the exclusive provider of OpenAI Research Cloud, API products and services in a multi-billion dollar partnership.

Search and chat dating

According to Microsoft officials, the new Bing will unify search, browse and chat into a single experience, offering improved search, more complete answers, more sophisticated search capabilities, content creation capabilities and interactive chat. The updated Edge browser has two new features: Chat and Compose.

"Artificial intelligence is making leaps and bounds in the way we collect and use data, and it's having a profound impact on search and beyond," Ross Quintana, CEO and creative director of Social Magnets, told CMSWire.

Within 5 days of OpenAI's launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, it already has over 1 million users. According to a recent UBS study, the next generation of AI chatbots will have around 100 million active users by January 2023, making it the fastest growing app.

Hourly AI battle between Microsoft and Google

In a Google blog post yesterday, Google was quick to introduce Bard as a competitor to ChatGPT and promised to reveal more details at a press conference on Wednesday. But in a clear stroke of lightning, Microsoft rushed to make its own special announcement on Tuesday — a day after Google announced Bart and hours after Chinese search giant Baidu promised to submit its ChatGPT answer, the ERNIE Bot, next month.

A week ago, Microsoft announced that it would become OpenAI's exclusive cloud provider for research, API products and services as part of a multi-year, multi-billion dollar expanded partnership.

Microsoft's new Bing is now available in "limited preview" for the desktop version, with the mobile version coming in the coming weeks.

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