Google's answer to Chat GPT is here: What is Bard AI?

Google has been working hard on their artificial intelligence language model, and now the chatbot Google Bard has been announced.

 What is Bard AI?

Google jumped into the AI ​​chatbot game by launching the Google Bard conversational language model.

What is Google Beard? It is a public online chatbot powered by artificial intelligence. The service uses information collected from the Internet to generate answers to questions asked by the user in a conversational style that mimics human speech patterns. Google announced the launch of the chatbot two days ago, but it is currently only available to a small group of "trusted testers". That should change in the next two weeks.

This feature is opposed to Chat GPT, a very popular chatbot developed by OpenAI with support from Microsoft. Bart will offer the same functionality - answering FAQs, creating text from instructions - from poems to essays - and generating code. Basically, you should display whatever text you want.

What makes Google Bard different from Chat GPT?

Well, it specializes in Google search engine results. In addition, it can play an important role in search engine results. Google Bard may respond to queries typed into the Google search bar using information collected from the web and not the best page found online by Google related to your query.

Also consider the enormous reach of Google. It has around 1 billion daily users compared to Chat GPT's 100 million.

Google Bard runs on Google's LaMDA (Language Model for Conversational Applications). Google worked on that. Compared to GPT 3.5 chat, GPT system needs less power and can accommodate more users at the same time.

Final Thoughts

Google Bard is an exciting prospect. Using AI to optimise search engine results, lessening the need to read through click-baity articles, finding the best and simplest answer straight away… what could be more useful? We’re looking forward to when this chatbot will be available to the wider public. Although we will have to wait until then to see exactly how Google Bard will look, we’re expecting to see some more clues in the coming weeks.

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