iPhone 15 Pro's USB-C Port Shown Off in Leaked Image

With the iPhone 15 lineup, Apple is planning to adopt a USB-C port instead of a Lightning port in order to comply with regulatory changes.

iPhone 15 Pro's USB-C Port Shown Off in Leaked Image

With the iPhone 15 lineup, Apple is planning to adopt a USB-C port instead of a Lightning port in order to comply with regulatory changes that are being introduced in Europe. The USB-C port has been widely rumored at this point, but a first look at the actual iPhone 15 Pro chassis with included USB-C port was today provided to Tech cm and later shared on Twitter by leaker Unknownz21.

It's not hard to imagine how the iPhone's USB-C connector could replace the Lightning connector, since Apple already uses USB-C connectors for iPads and Macs, but it's always interesting to see leaked parts. The image also confirms the iPhone 15 Pro's USB-C port, as well as a first look at the redesigned curves that have been rumored for the device.

Apple is expected to make minor changes to the body design of the iPhone 15 Pro, adding a deeper curve in the leaked image. There are also rumors that the company is switching to titanium instead of stainless steel, and the brushed metal of the device looks like it has a titanium coating.

With the transition to USB-C, Apple is planning to replace the E75 Lightning Controller with an E85 Port Controller, according to Unknownz21.

Note that while it is the ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌ shown with a USB-C port, the port update is coming to the entire ‌iPhone 15‌ lineup, including the standard ‌iPhone 15‌ and ‌iPhone 15‌ Plus, as well as the ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌ Max. The design refinements will be limited to the ‌iPhone 15 Pro‌ models.

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