According to a new leak, Google might be planning its own location tracker tag like Apple’s AirTag.

According to a new leak, Google might be planning its own location tracker tag like Apple’s AirTag.

Google Might Also Planning Its Own Location Tracker Like AirTag

According to a new leak, Google may be designing its own location tracking tag, similar to Apple's Airtag. And it is already starting to work, as it is being developed by the Google Nest team.

Apple's AirTag and Samsung's SmartTag have already caught the attention of many smart trackers that can track your phone's location, and Google is joining the fray with its own smart tracker.

Google’s Smart Tracker: All Details

Renowned Android developer Mishal Rahman found some references to the Google Smart Tag in the Google Fast Name Developer Console as it is listed with a device type called "Locator Tag".

Another developer named Kuba Wojciechowski also revealed that Google is working on its own smart tracker, codenamed Grogu.

It's been seen under various names, none of which are accurate as it's being developed, but it's currently named after a small and cute Star Wars character, suggesting that the next tracker could be similar.

In addition, Kuba noted that Google will release the tracker in several colors and, like Apple's "Airtag," will have a built-in speaker so that users can easily locate the missing device by voice.

However, there is not much information about its features, but Google's tracking tag is expected to offer more features than Apple's Airtag, since Airtag is limited to iPhone only and Google's Android rules the mainstream smartphone market.

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